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You, Happier Balanced Brain

I definitely do not have a balanced brain. But I wanted to take a look at what Daniel G. Amen, author of You, Happier says makes a balanced brain happy versus what I try to pursue and what Hope tries to pursue in The Story of Hope.

Here are things Daniel G. Amen says will make someone with a balanced brain happy in You, Happier:

· Healthy relationships. I finally am at a point in my life where I have a healthy romantic relationship and healthy, supportive friendships. In the past, I’ve dated two drug dealers who were both verbally abusive and coercive to me (as you can read about in The Story of Hope). It makes you feel guilty, dirty and anxious. I’m much happier now with my current boyfriend. We’ve been together for about a year.

· Meaningful work. For me, writing is meaningful. That’s why I sit down to work on my books every day even though my parents are supporting me and I’m not getting paid (my mental illnesses make it impossible for me to hold a job). Hope, like me, was originally going to be a social worker. And maybe that will be possible one day. But for now, I’ll have to be “meaningful” one word at a time.

· Financial security. I have rocky financial security. I’m living off my parent’s generosity and while I don’t think they are going to withdraw it, I definitely do feel guilt that I get all the money and my brother needs to work. It just feels like it isn’t fair. I don’t like not being able to do something.

· Following the rules. For the most part, Hope/ me follow the rules. The big exception would be underage drinking which Hope decided was just a suggestion. It is very easy to drink in college so long as you aren’t stupid and sloppy in the wrong places.

· Being on time.

· Participating in traditional holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas. I love holidays because I’m like an overgrown kid. Presents, cookies, carols…come on who doesn’t love that stuff? But it goes beyond that. There is a spiritual element to it as well. And I love feeling connected to something bigger than myself.

· Having fun. Who doesn’t love having fun?

Moral of the story: just because I don’t have a balanced brain doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy the stuff someone with a balanced brain does.


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