-Sex. Seriously no one ever explained sex and the nitty gritty of it until after I was sexually assaulted.
- I didn’t understand how you could return to someone again and again if they treat you like shit.
- I didn’t understand how people could be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship and not know it. In some of my own relationships, it took me a while to realize this. I let several of them pressure me, yell at me and isolate me from my friends and family.
- There’s no one (like a teacher or a parent) supervising things to make sure everything is fair. “Here you get OCD and this person gets bipolar. Not fucking both!”
- Not everyone respects police. I used to think only hardened criminals but so many people disrespect them, talk shit about them even though it’s one of the hardest and most generous jobs there is.
- Having kids is not for everyone. There are many reasons not to have kids.