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Project Update

The end of August catches me spread thin between several projects, but I like it that way. I plan on having my sixth book out in January but I haven’t quite decided which project to focus my energy on. I will keep you posted but in the meantime here are the ones I am working on:

· My fourth poetry book, which I’ve tentatively titled Thunder, Again. The poem “Thunder, Again” is about my bipolar disorder and how it always flares up again, like a clap of thunder. Some other poems I anticipate to be in this book are “Winter of My Heart”, “Honest College Tour”, “Things We Talk About in the Med Line” and “Haunted Flowers”. I’ve tried my hand at writing more comedic poems for this book as in the style of “Honet Job Interview” from The Girl that Flies, my first poetry book.

· Untitled Poetic Essay Book, which are short poem-essay hybrids I’ve written based on one-word Instagram prompts. These essays are intensely personal and deal with a sexual assault, an abusive relationship, and falling in love with my current boyfriend. It might be a while before I feel comfortable enough with myself and my situation to publish them.

· Untitled Shark Essay Book, which is similar to my third book The Rosemary Collection. In The Rosemary Collection, every essay is an herb. In this book, every essay will be a shark. Some topics include my recent hospitalizations, my history in therapy for OCD, and genetic testing for the BRCA gene (update: I don’t have it). It needs a lot of editing but so far I’ve assembled a great first draft.

· Letters to My Skinny Self, which are letters I found in an old notebook. They were written at a time when I was pretty heavy (close to 200 pounds) to whena time where I used to be skinny (130 pounds). It explores many issues relating to body image, sexuality, feeling attractive, and eating disorders. Again, it’s going to take a lot for me to be in a place where I am comfortable publishing such intimate work.

· A collection of my blog posts. Sometime next year I plan on assembling all my “greatest hits” and putting them in a small book. My interviews are my most popular and I plan on doing many more of them.

Well now you know what I am up to. I will still be posting regularly but the “busy” season is coming up. My birthday is in a few weeks (I will be 27), I’ve started attending weekly poetry sessions and I have begun work on a novel. Thank you for bearing with me through this brief blog post.


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