This year I’m focusing more on New Year’s projects rather than resolutions. I do have some resolutions: get in shape, be more independent, practice more self-care, no checking (it’s an OCD thing), and focus more on the present. But the projects are more…well, action verbs. I have to approach them with small steps. So here they are
Thirteen 2025 Projects:
Read 20 books on my own/ with Mom
I was disappointed with how little I read in 2024. Although I did read a few standout books like Miracle Creek and The Road to Dalton (both of which I heard about from a podcast) I watched too much Youtube. I want 2025 to be a more literary year.
Read at least 12 books with the book club
This is my way of saying I want the book club to survive at least another year. I started the book club in August. Since then we’ve read a variety of genres- historical fiction, horror and even kid’s books. It is a way to basically just eat snacks and talk books with your friends. It is one of my favorite days every month.
Finish your sign language workbook
I have a bunch of sign language flaschards and videos but I got a sign language workbook for Christmas that has a lot of quizzes I’m working my way through.
Have a piano theme week 3x a month
I don’t know if I’ll be able to do themes every month. But I am practicing a variety of songs from the Monkees to Maroon Five to Meredith Books and I trying my butt off to do one or two songs from Wicked. The only thing harder than singing those songs is the sheet music.
Publish a freelance article twice a month
I got my first freelance article check the other day. My friends all toasted me at the New Year’s Eve party. Now I need to find new magazines but I have confidence I will.
Finish Lucas’s hat
Everytime I feel like I have a handle on my cousin Lucas’s present something messes it up. In this case some stitches came off the handle and a giant knot the size of Ohio kind of derailed me. I might even have to start over. I shudder.
Write Part One of the Good Morning Monster
Good Morning Monster is the book I will base my fictional book on. I don’t know how many details I am taking from the actual book yet so I don’t know if I will be able to publish it but I figured it was a good excersise. It will also help me get over this misconception that everything has to be published.
Pick a theme for each month for your blog (look at library books for ideas)
Still working on this one. Any suggestions for January? Maybe careers and goals and money because that is definitely one of my New Year’s interests.
Rejoin the library writing group.
Write three new poems a month
This would mean three new poems for every slam- you know if they were good and I wasn’t hosting.
Start training to be a peer specialist
Apparently training starts on the 13th. I have to figure out how to register and everything (there’s a lot of paperwork and it is hella confusing) but I will get that job.
Find at least five magazines to submit to as a freelance author
I am going to make enough money from articles to carry me through my training and into moving out with the one I love.
Become a writing facilitator
I just found out about this opportunity last night. An organization I know is offering a meeting where you train to be a writing facilitator. Once you’re a facilitator you make $75 per session. Wow. I am definitely going to try to take advantage of my gifts- both writing and empathy this year.
What are some of your projects/ goals/ resolutions? Please let me know in the comments below.