What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is living alone on the streets. I see homeless men and woman with nothing begging for change. If I lived on the street I wouldn’t have my medication aka my sanity. I don’t have a college degree. I’m unable to work. I know this is not a rational worry because I have many relatives who would take care of me. Another fear is that my parents will stop loving me. They reassured me that’s impossible but I’m not convinced.
How would your arch nemesis describe you?
She would say I’m an attention seeking, crazy, selfish, drama queen. She would wonder why anyone drools over my boobs when she has such a “fantastic ass” She has contempt for me and no understanding because she has a cold heart.
How would your third grade teacher describe you?
She would probably be surprised at how social I am and how many friends I have. I was very introverted in the third grade and mostly just read. She would describe me as smart and talented writer (I think all my teachers did). She would also probably say I was well behaved.