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How to Be Successful: Do's and Don't's

- Do not sleep all day. It may seem tempting. But you’re just wasting your time. You’ll feel like shit when you wake up.

- Do write down all prescription medications you are taking. This goes double if you are on 10+ prescriptions like me

- Don’t write off one genre of music, movies, books. I’m generally not into fantasy but I love Harry Potter

- Don’t have your first drink before five if you’re not in college. Even then it’s iffy.

- Do know that if your bra size is the butt of every joke (or your butt is the butt of every joke) it is time to find new friends

- Do try new experiences

- Don’t be scared of the DMV. Face them head-on

- Do keep promises you make to yourself

- Do name the things that are important to you (like a car)

- Don’t eat raw cheese. Save calories!

- Don’t allow a doctor or nurse to bully you into a medical decision

- Don’t underestimate the power of sunlight. Vitamin D’s important

- Don’t ask a question you wouldn’t want an answer to (I am never asking “Is that girl hotter than me?”)

- Do monitor your news intake. How reliable and/or depressing is it?

- Do go to bed before one which means

- Don’t have caffeine after eight

- Do pay your bills on time

- Do subscribe to a moral code


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