This is my OCD Goals Sheet from Getting Over OCD, Second Edition by Jonathan Abramowitz. I filled it out a year or two ago. Some of my goals have changed slightly but most haven’t.
Personal Goals For Working on OCD
My personal goals for this program are
1. Minimize checking to once a day
2. Move more journals out of their fireproof boxes
3. Don’t print an extra copy of my poem for two weeks
4. Stay in my room for an hour. No Zoom
5. Leave my fireproof boxes open when I’m home (start one at a time)
It’s important for me to work on OCD because
1. It’s making me unhappy
2. The stairs bother my knees
3. I want to make my parents proud
4. It gets in the way of conversations on Zoom
5. It’s too stressful
If I work hard on getting over my OCD, my life is likely to change in the following ways:
1. I can be more focused on things like my writing
2. I can be more in touch with people and what they’re telling me
3. I’ll be less worn out
4. I’ll sleep better
5. I can relax
If I do not work on my OCD problems, the following negative things will happen
1. My mom will get frustrated
2. I’ll be up and down the stairs all day
3. It will get worse
4. I might not be able to leave the house
5. I might not be able to separate from my parents
When I accomplish a each goal I will reward myself with
1. A massage every time I remove two journals from the box
2. Go to IHOP (when treats permit)
3. A trip to Michael’s