6 Activities That Can Improve Your Mood or At Least Alleviate Suffering
Read children’s books. Children’s books manage to be amusing and entertaining and they don’t often take themselves too seriously even if they are on serious topics.
Dive into self-care. Bubble baths, massages, pedicures. Some of this stuff is more expensive than others and some of these can only be used in emergencies. I do not recommend retail therapy for people who may be manic as they can quickly blow through all their money,
Pursue a goal. I’m working very hard to learn sign language. I have two books, two websites, and two sets of flashcards and I still am nowhere near fluent. But its fun to make progress, Today I showed my parents how to sign “cheese” (I also know cracker)
Adhere to a routine. This doesn’t mean every single day (holidays and celebrations are important breaks) but it is key for you to prepare yourself for the coming day when you are summoning the energy to get out of bed. As of now the beginning of my day looks like this: morning coffee and sign language, piano, breakfast, gym, and then I will take a peer specialist class.
Write poetry. Write anything. I find making lists is very soothing.
Remember your support team. It can include family, friends (don’t disregard the importance of online support groups) and should also include a professional. If you have a serious illness like bipolar disorder your therapist and psychiatrist should be aware of your mental state. That being said they do not necessarily need to know your monthly cycle.
One thing I’m wondering is what you guys want from my blog. Morre stuff on mental illness? Recovery? Random wannabe-funny shit? Let me know!