Here are some tips for getting through January, particularly through Blue Monday which reminds me of the name of a beer.
Have a reading marathon. Grab your five favorite comfort novels and read a chapter from each one. Comfort novels (or books. They can be nonfiction, plays or poetry too) are any book that soothes you or makes you feel safe. These books line up like your little army to defend you.
Watch Charlotte Dobre. It is like retail therpay but it doesn’t cost anything! Charlotte Dobre is a Youtube celebrity (although I mostly watch it on Facebook). She mostly features videos about weddings gone wrong, mother in laws and petty, petty revenge. She’s a dose of chill and she’s really charismatic. It is very relaxes. I watch her show before bed.
Do something with your hands. I just want to let yoiu all know I plan on getting a lego set. I have done legos with my boyfriend (we are working on a elaborate Jaws set) but not many solo. I am excited to start my own empire but will probably start small. I also enjoy knitting and diamond art.
Treat yourself to some hot chocolate (with marshmellows obviously). If there is one month that should mandate hot chocolate it should be January. Don’t like hot chocolate? Eggnog is still an option even if the holidays are over,
Give yourself permission to take your most comfortable pajamas and your most comfortable blanket and go to bed early. All bad days end. You can hurry this one alone. However, if you find yourself doing this often, you probably should consult a professional. It isn’t good to sleep too much and going to bed early repeatedly can be a sign of depression.
It’s about 5:07 which means in a few hours this Blue Monday will be over. And we can all start bitching about Valentine’s Day.