I was waiting for my friend outside Forever 21 and some girl asked me if I knew where the Chipotle was. This may sound odd but I love helping people, particularly directing people in the right direction (and sometimes the wrong direction…….)
I got a shiny shirt.
I co hosted a poetry slam full of friends and metaphors and party hats that made us all look like badass unicorns.
My aunt got me butterfly stickers for my bulletin board (I promise I am not five. Stickers just excite me).
I did not lose my promise ring when I made out with my boyfriend in the car
I got to decorate my boyfriends tree with him and his family. And they have Winnie the Pooh earrings!
I can purl. Well, kind of. Well yes. Just badly (for those of you who don’t knit a purl is a type of stitch).
My little cousin has a stuffed possum that he named Dog.
When a kind woman prayed over me at a church retreat and honestly I think her prayers really worked.
I found the perfect ornament for my brother and I can say it here because he is barely on Facebook: a rubix cube (don’t get too excited. It doesn’t work)
We built a badass gingerbread house (what kind of structure needs a roof anyway)
I got my first comment on my blog
My life was semi changed by this month’s book club pick Out of My Mind
Sometimes my eyes will be closed before my mom even finishes scratching my back
It is time to bring the Ho Ho Ho Winnie the Pooh cup out of retirement